Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

royal wedding

I don't know why but this photo didn't turn out as good as I thought... I think the backgrounds seems like it's been photoshopped..you know? Then the internet is making a big deal about the little girl on the left holding a pink worm stuffy =____="

But the bride is pretty!! =D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I was watching KiKi's Delivery Service and I just notice this...

LOL!! Don't you agree??

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

my pin cushion

Well I don't have a proper one but now I'm using a charm as my pin cushion because I'm sick of losing them or dropping them on the carpet. I worry about stepping on them and the entire thing going through my foot @____@.
So here's my little hero: Kuromi. Looks like a voodoo doll doesn't it?

My more organized version of felt collection.


Yay! I managed to finish 4 dolls today...although I find the crafting can be pushed further but it was good warm up + exercise.

So far, an orange, a tomato, a banana and an egg is born! ^+++++^ V

Monday, May 2, 2011

crafting away~~~

I'm back to making felt dolls =D It's so much fun! Right now my table is a mess but in an organized way that I know where the tools are. Although, I wish my respiration would tone down a bit though =___= Other than that, I'm glad that I've gotten the materials a month ago, hopefully, I'll be working faster after tonight's warm up.