Monday, January 31, 2011

hoppy bunny year~~

During the winter break, I've been thinking about how to create the lunar new year card that I want to give out to all my family and friends. I couldn't stop making decisions in my head. Then came 2 weeks ago, I finally set down and made some doodles. But then it took me another week to finalize and feel confident with my design in order to execute everything on the computer. However, it's done now! I like it more than last year's!!

Some decision-making.


Finally decision.

Mass produce!

I made 34 cards and thanks to Nina's great corner puncher =] It came in very handy.
Concept behind this is: some Chinese greetings 大紅大紫 (big red, big purple)... it's hard to explain =P And since it's almost Valentine's day, the bunnies come in a pair <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011

random doodle of the day

My friends miss this guy a lot. I do too. Ah~ Those days with these classic Sanrio characters in the breakfast shows =) Good childhood memories.

Friday, January 28, 2011

x'mas crafts cont.

Just some of the high res photo of those ornaments you've seen already.

Too bad x'mas is over now =(

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

holiday craftings

Some Christmas ornaments  I made for some of the special individuals of the entire universe.
I would saying working with felt is so much FUN!